Delivery or transport terms function code
Code specifying the function of delivery or transport terms.
Price condition
Specifies a condition related to the price which a seller must fulfil before the buyer will complete a purchase.
GS1 Description:
Specific price condition under which goods must be delivered to the consignee.
Despatch condition
Condition requested by the customer under which the supplier shall deliver: Extent of freight costs, means of transport.
Price and despatch condition
Condition related to price and despatch that the seller must complete before the customer will agree payment.
GS1 Description:
Terms of delivery relate to both price and despatch condition.
Collected by customer
Indicates that the customer will pick up the goods at the supplier. He will take care of the means of transport.
Transport condition
Specifies the conditions under which the transport takes place under the responsibility of the carrier.
Delivery condition
Specifies the conditions under which the goods must be delivered to the consignee.
Delivered by supplier
Indicates that the supplier will arrange the delivery of goods. He will take care of the means of transport.
GS1 Note: Replaces GS1 Temporary Code 10E.
Delivery arranged by logistic service provider
Code indicating that the logistic service provider will arrange the delivery of goods.
GS1 Note: Replaces GS1 Temporary Code 11E.
Delivered by supplier (GS1 Temporary Code)
Indicates that the supplier will arrange the delivery of goods. He will take care of the means of transport.
GS1 Note: Code marked for deletion. Use value 7 instead
Delivery arranged by logistic service provider (GS1 Temporary Code)
Code indicating that the logistic service provider will arrange the delivery of goods.
GS1 Note: Code marked for deletion. Use value 8 instead.