The following message specification is based on the publication of the "Delivery Schedule Message" of GS1 Global in syntax 3.



A message from buyer to supplier giving product requirements regarding details for short term delivery instructions and/or medium to long term product/service forecast for planning purposes according to conditions set out in a contract or order. The message can be used to authorise the commitment of labour and materials resources. The message may also be sent by a supplier to a buyer as a response to a previously transmitted delivery schedule.


The message may be used as a delivery schedule by the buyer to:

- specify delivery schedules requested by the buyer

- define the aspects that guarantee a perfect synchronisation between buyer and supplier

- provide information allowing the supplier to plan for future requirements in order to purchase raw materials to produce and deliver goods in the most economical way.

The message may be used as a delivery schedule response by the supplier to identify:

- the total acceptance

- total rejection

- proposal for change

The Delivery Schedule message may be used in two ways:

-  Location driven - a delivery location ( or locations) may be provided with multiple products and delivery quantities for the location (or locations) identified.

- Product driven - a product (or products) and quantities may be identified with multiple delivery locations for the product (or products).

In EANCOM® it is recommended that only one approach be adopted with each trading partner at one time.

The approach selected must be indicated by means of the relevant codes in data element 1001 in the BGM segment and in data element 7365 in the GIS segment.

When using the Delivery Schedule message to provide a response the message sender may indicate three types of information:

- The total acceptance of a previous Delivery Schedule message

In this instance only mandatory segments and segments identifying the parties and the message being responded need to be transmitted (UNH, BGM, RFF-DTM, NAD and UNT). The acceptance of the message is indicated using data element 1225 (code value ‘29, Accepted without amendment’ in the BGM segment).

- The total rejection of a previous Delivery Schedule message

In this instance only mandatory segments and segments identifying the parties and the message being responded need to be transmitted (UNH, BGM, RFF-DTM, NAD and UNT). The rejection of the message is indicated using data element 1225 (code value ‘27, Not accepted’ in the BGM segment).

- The proposed change of information at individual product level

Where a change or changes to a product takes place all of the information related to the product must be re-transmitted for confirmation purposes e.g. all segments at LIN level. Data element 1225 in the BGM segment must be set to ‘4, Change’. At product level data element 1229 in the LIN segment must be set to ‘3, Change’. Reference to a specific line being responded to is achieved through the use of a combination of the reference to the original document and in the RFF at detail level using DE 1156 ‘Line number’. The FTX segment at LIN level may be used to provide and explanation, either in coded or free form, as to why the information is being changed.

Information at LIN level not re-transmitted is automatically accepted by default. For example, from an original Delivery Schedule containing ten products, four need to be changed. Only the data related to these four products must be re-transmitted and the other six products are accepted by default.

Accepted information at product level may also be explicitly indicated using the code value ‘5, Accepted without amendment’, in data element 1229 in the LIN segment.