Syntax identifier
Coded identification of the agency controlling a syntax and syntax level used in an interchange.

1. a3, upper case, Controlling Agency (e.g. UNO=UN/ECE) and a1 stating level (e.g. A) (which together give UNOA).
Syntax version number
Version number of the syntax identified in the syntax identifier (0001)

1. Increments 1 for each version.
Partner identification code qualifier
Qualifier referring to the source of codes for the identifiers of interchanging partners.

1. Used with sender/recipient identification code.
Recipient's reference/password qualifier
Qualifier for the recipient's reference or password.

1. If specified in IA.
Processing priority code
Code determined by the sender requesting processing priority for the interchange.

1. Used if specified in IA.
Acknowledgement request
Code determined by the sender for acknowledgement of the interchange.

1. Set = 1 if sender requests acknowledgement, i.e. UNB and UNZ segments received and identified.
Test indicator
Indication that the interchange is a test.

1. Set = 1 if the interchange is a test. Otherwise not used.
Controlling agency
Code to identify the agency controlling the specification, maintenance and publication of the message type.
Message version number
Version number of a message type.

1. If UNG/UNE is used, shall be identical in UNG and UNE.
The representation of 0052 was specified as n..3 in version 1 of ISO 9735.
Message release number
Release number within the current message type version number (0052).

1. The representation of 0054 was specified as n..3 in version 1 of ISO 9735.
Association assigned code
A code assigned by the association responsible for the design and maintenance of the message type concerned, which further identifies the message.
Message type
Code identifying a type of message and assigned by its controlling agency.

1. Type of message being transmitted.
Section identification
Separates sections in a message.
Document name code
Code specifying the document name.
Code list identification code
Code identifying a user or association maintained code list.

1. The codes for this data element are provided by the code list responsible agency defined in data element 3055.
Reference code qualifier
Code qualifying a reference.
Message function code
Code indicating the function of the message.
Allowance or charge identifier
To identify an allowance or charge.
Date or time or period function code qualifier
Code qualifying the function of a date, time or period.
Date or time or period format code
Code specifying the representation of a date, time or period.
Time reference code
Code referencing a point in time.
Party function code qualifier
Code giving specific meaning to a party.
Code list responsible agency code
Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list.
Contact function code
Code specifying the function of a contact (e.g. department or person).
Country name code
| Identification of the name of the country or other geographical entity as defined in ISO 3166-1.

| 1. Use ISO 3166-1 two alpha country code.
Institution name code
Code specifying the name of an institution.
Language name code
Code specifying the language name.

1. Use ISO 639-1988.
Payment terms description identifier
Identification of the terms of payment between the parties to a transaction (generic term).

1. Recommend use UN/ECE Recommendation No. 17 Payterms.
Payment terms type code qualifier
Code qualifying the type of payment terms.
Product identifier code qualifier
Code qualifying the product identifier.
Payment guarantee means code
Code specifying the means of payment guarantee.
Payment conditions code
Code specifying the payment conditions.
Free text value code
Code specifying free form text.
Text subject code qualifier
Code qualifying the subject of the text.
Free text function code
Code specifying the function of free text.
Payment means code
Code identifying a means of payment.
Monetary amount type code qualifier
Code qualifying the type of monetary amount.
Price code qualifier
Code qualifying a price.

1. The code set from data element 5387 may also be used as agreed among trading partners.
Duty or tax or fee type name code
Code specifying a type of duty, tax or fee.
Percentage type code qualifier
Code qualifying the type of percentage.
Duty or tax or fee rate basis code
Code specifying the basis for a duty or tax or fee rate.
Duty or tax or fee function code qualifier
Code qualifying the function of a duty or tax or fee.
Duty or tax or fee category code
Code specifying a duty or tax or fee category.
Allowance or charge code qualifier
Code qualifying an allowance or charge.
Quantity type code qualifier
Code qualifying the type of quantity.
Currency type code qualifier
Code qualifying the type of currency.
Currency identification code
Code specifying a monetary unit.

1. Use ISO 4217 three alpha code.
Currency usage code qualifier
Code qualifying the usage of a currency.
Measurement unit code
Code specifying the unit of measurement.

| 1. Recommend use UN/ECE Recommendation 20, Common code.
Item description code
Code specifying an item.
Description format code
Code specifying the format of a description.
Item characteristic code
Code specifying the characteristic of an item.
Item type identification code
Coded identification of an item type.
Special service description code
Code specifying a special service.