Code |
Code Name |
Code Description |
BBAN Identification |
Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN) is an internationally agreed means of identification bank accounts within a country. Release notes: New in version 2. |
Business Account |
An identifying number or code assigned by issuing authorities to manage business activities. Note: 1. This code value will be removed effective with directory D.04A. (UN/CEFACT) |
Business Account |
An identifying number or code assigned by issuing authorities to manage business activities. Note: 1. This code value will be removed effective with directory D.04A. (UN/CEFACT) Release notes: Marked for deletion in version 2. |
Checking Account |
US term corresponding to "current account" in the UK. A demand deposit account, withdrawals from which may be made by a written, negotiable instrument. |
Checking Account |
US term corresponding to "current account" in the UK. A demand deposit account, withdrawals from which may be made by a written, negotiable instrument. Release notes: Marked for deletion in version 2. |
IBAN Identification |
The International Bank Account Number (IBAN) is an internationally agreed means of identifying bank accounts across national borders. Release notes: New in version 2. |
Time Deposit |
The resource value of a time deposit is the net amount due after penalties are imposed for early withdrawal. If the funds cannot be withdrawn before maturity, the time deposit is not a resource until it matures. Time deposits include but are not limited to certificates of deposit, savings certificates, and individual retirement accounts (IRAs). Release notes: Marked for deletion in version 2. |